Day 257 - Tablet Photo

Mitchell Baker, "Chief Lizard Wrangler", attending a session at the Mozilla All-Hands meeting, and unwittingly becoming my photo subject when playing with the camera on my tablet computer.

To be honest, I am not convinced by the camera in this ASUS tablet -- I am fairly certain my cellphone takes better pictures. Though of course, low-light situations like this are hard for photography anyway, even more so for tiny devices like these.

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Day 256 - Brogrammers

This week's Mozilla All-Hands meeting is decorated with various fake road signs, like this one: "Quiet! Programmers at work!"--hold on--brogrammers? "What's a brogrammer?" I promptly asked lazytwitter. I quickly got plenty of answers, and one of the most comprehensive ones is this question on quora. Remember: After you call pushCollar(), you always need to call popCollar()! And never forget to drink your brotein!

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Day 255 - Made in Canada

When I first saw this little sticker today, I thought it said "Made in China" but in fact, it said "Made in Canada". Which for my Canadian colleague Tofumatt is a perfectly appropriate sticker to have on his shoulder. Glad we sorted this out!

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Day 254 - Patriot Tours

Today is the tenth anniversary of 9/11 but as I tweeted earlier, I didn't notice any excessive proclamations of patriotism here in the area. Fewer flags than on Fourth of July, for sure. And I am pretty sure this bus already carried its five-star, five-stripe flag yesterday, and it probably still will, tomorrow.

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Day 253 - Nice Ride

Not that I'm an expert on motorcycles but this one looks like a pretty sweet ride!

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Day 252 - Pusteblume

A lonely dandelion -- or Pusteblume, "blowing flower", as German vernacular calls it. Seemed to be the only one that was spared by today's thorough lawn mowing of the entire neighborhood. It'd better enjoy its freedom until a kid finds it and blows on it!

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Day 251 - Hulk Smash

Some of the conference rooms at the office have a wireless Audio/Video panel from which you can control the phone, video conferencing, etc. -- recently, I put one of these panels back onto their holder, and of course, it broke off :-/ It had apparently been broken and glued back together before and the glue had come back off. In good Mozilla fashion, of course this resulted in a bug report being filed, and because, as the old saying goes, the laugh is always on the loser, there was promptly a dramatization of events attached to said bug:

Meanwhile, the A/V panel stand is fixed and has a nice little message "please be gentle" attached to it. Well, at least it's not carrying my name ;)

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Day 250 - Bump

A bump in the road, quite literally. To my great amusement, Wikipedia mentions this is also known as a sleeping policeman or slow child, hah. Not to be confused, of course, with a speed hump, which is a beast of an entirely different dimension and was possibly referred to by the Black Eyed Peas in one of their songs a few years ago, though probably not.

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Day 249 - Black Phoebe

Really cool how much different the birds are between Central Europe and here. If I dug it up right (did I mention birds are hard to google for?), this should be a black phoebe. Apparently Northern California is about as far north as they go?

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Day 248 - Looking Back

Our dog Lizzy, looking back while on a walk; her tongue (and drool), meanwhile, flying all over the place.

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